Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Too Much

Some days are easier than others. Today was not the day. I did NOT want to walk. I did want a more challenging workout so I am typing this, almost dead.  If you don't hear from me ever again, I died. Feel free to mourn but do carry on.

I tried this:

And this:

And this:

They are all great workouts but I thought they wouldn't be enough so I kept going... I'm an idiot. Don't let this be you. Now, I MUST lay down. I don't want to think, I don't want to see, I don't want to be. Lol

We got this....blah blah blah

Peace and Love ❤

Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving Guilt

European settlers exchanged Syphilis for corn and I'm supposed to celebrate. To thank the Natives for their kindness, the settlers stole the Native's lands and gave them designated places in the middle of nowhere to call home. And, of course, since it's the middle of nowhere, the settlers run pipelines through the land that wasn't really ever theirs to give in the first place. Pass the turkey!!!!!!

But I'm not talking about that kind of guilt. I'm talking about your fat butt eating  seventeen helpings of 'ev-er-y-thang' and trying to calm down before Monday catches you. The cure for Thanksgiving Guilt is an active Thanksgiving holiday. Of the approximately five day holiday, I spent two of them not exercising. I cooked on Thanksgiving, and chilled the day after. On all the other days, I at least walked a mile. So if you struggled with that, no worries. Christmas is coming and you'll have a chance to do better.

Here it is Monday and I don't feel huge. I feel like always feel: Fat. Lol I also felt cold. I didn't walk as early as I normally do but I still managed to get it done before 8:30 am. The results are a big help. I have a dress that was too tight on my stomach to wear anywhere except around the house and it's fitting better!!!! I'm so excited and now I'm even more motivated. It's the little things that make the journey so enjoy them! There's no guilt in that.

My Apologies

I'm sorry that I am not a very consistent blogger. I will try to get better. Honestly, I'm not sure what I want to talk to you guys about. I also don't want the blogs to be so long that no one reads them so I need your help.  What are some questions you have? What are some things you struggle with? Where are you located? Help me, help us.

Never forget, you have a sister in me. I love you. It's not hard to lose ten pounds in a month. We got this. Jump because you can fly.

Peace and Love ❤

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

She Get it From Her Mama!!!!

La-la-la-la Look behind her!!! Lol Don't act like you don't know that song.

I realize that my blogs will sound the same if I tell you about my work out everyday so today we're going to discuss what I got from my mama: My butt. Yes, my butt.

See, this is what had happen', as I was walking today, I realized that my back doesn't just hurt because I'm fat. My back hurts because I'm top heavy and my butt is on my back.  It's not fair.  Most people get to work out with normal booties and I have to exercise with a built-in backpack. Quiet as it's kept, I'm built like a church mother. 😒 Can chiropractors lower your butt? Seriously. I may need to make an appointment.

I also thought about the excuses the 90's made for fat folks. Remember when your friend told you to tell people who called you fat that you were P.retty H.ot A.nd T.empting? You weren't fat, you were PHAT. Then, your mama would tell you that it was just baby fat but you were 12.... THEN, she and your well meaning friends would tell you that you were big-boned? It's time to accept yourself, baby.

You are none of those things. How can you expect people to take you as you are, if you can't be honest about it? Fat isn't an insult, it's a truth. I'm a Fattie and that's ok. I'm working out. If people look at me and assume that I'm lazy or don't care about my health, screw them! They don't know my life. Meet me where I am and take the journey with me, don't judge me for not being where you think I should be. If people aren't willing to do that for you, then they don't deserve to be in your life.

Listen, you are beautiful. I didn't say you aren't fat, I said you are beautiful.  Weight doesn't determine appeal because I said so. So what do you say?

Remember, I'm your sister and I love you. Don't forget that I am here with you.  I need you, like you need me. I'm not special, I'm just willing. I'm not big-boned, fluffy, or thick skinned, I'm fat. Now what? Your response to hecklers, name callers, and haters should be, "And?" "Who's gonna check me?" "Do I owe you my waist line?" They don't know us! Forget them!

Don't forget your daily dose of jump!!! I believe we can fly!!!!

Peace and Love ❤

Monday, November 21, 2016

The Devil Wants Me to be Fat!!!

Yeah, I said it. I'm sick of the cold already. It just got super cold this morning, but so??? As soon as the cold air hit me, I began to rethink my life.  ANYWAY I walked my mile and fussed out the cold with every step! The devil thought he was going to win this morning, BUT GOD!!!!! Whoo! Only HE could get me down the road and back. I didn't do that by myself, of this I am sure!

After a very cold but surprisingly fast walk, I went straight into housework. Believe it or not, that can count towards your workout, especially if your place looked like mine. Once that was done I caught my breath and tried a new yoga session. I found a free app in the Google Play Store, called Track Yoga.

It releases free Yoga sessions as you gain points by completing the Yoga Sessions that are available to you. I found this session to be more challenging than the one I found on Youtube, so if you're doing the Youtube session, I would stick with that until it becomes easier.

Let's Back Track a Bit

Before I became too sick to work out, my friends and I worked out at the local high school track. Saturday before the one that just passed, I enjoyed the company of my sisters, Tereca and Jordan. We walked, talked, danced and laughed around the track, then did a Yoga session on the grass. Now at that point, I had only done Yoga twice but I had become the instructor. As you can imagine, we continued to laugh but I also became aware of how fast I tend to learn things. I wasn't perfect but after a few more sessions, who knows?!!!!

Moving Forward

I'm glad to be back.  It was hard to rest after my body had adjusted to moving around.  I was also afraid that I wouldn't start again.  I couldn't wait to prove myself wrong! I was so ready to walk today that I started my walk with my daily dose of jump!! I usually have to ease into that but today I believed I could fly!!! Lol

On a more serious note, I am really trying to turn this journey into a holistic experience. Changing your lifestyle starts in your mind, and I believe the strength comes from your soul. So, I have lots of work to do. I'm growing closer to God, working out the darkness and doubt in my mind and taking care of my body. Self care has to be more than physical. The question becomes, "Why?" Why am I fat? Why do I eat what I eat? Why don't I work out? Why don't I go out? What do I think of myself? Those questions aren't easy but it has been my experience that they are the first step to healing wholeheartedly.  Once I lose this weight, I don't want it back, so who I am and what my habits are must change with my body.

If you find that you are a lot like me, the good news is you have a support system.  I love you, I'm your sister and I'm here to help.  We are more than conquerors!!!! Fight for your health. I'm battling right beside you.

Be sure to check out the facebook group for more pics and videos!

Peace and love. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Rainy Days and Mondays

This blog will be short and sweet, so if you haven't been reading, you should read this one. LOL. I went walking this morning. It was foggy and rainy and cold. I also think I have a cold coming. My nose and throat hurts, so my attitude is on fleek.

My new goal is to walk and count my steps. A lot of new phones have the step counter app already downloaded. So I'm taking 2000 steps a day which equals a mile.

2000 steps a day is not the only thing that I'm going to do daily in an effort to lose weight but on days when I don't feel good, I will make sure that at the very least I complete my mile. I'll also have my daily dose of jump everyday. If this is the first time you read my blog, my daily dose of jump is just me jumping 3 times everyday.

I also worked out over the weekend. Tomorrow, I will be posting pictures of the work out my friends and I did. Sunday is the only day that I rested. The goal is to work out 6 days a week. That's at least 6 miles a week!!

I am going to close today's blog by reminding you all that I am your sister and that we're in this together. On days that you're under the weather or in too much pain, a 2000 step stroll at your own pace is a great way to make sure that you stay active no matter what. Let's keep going, we'll be happy we did. I love you all.

Friday, November 11, 2016

My Neck, My Back

Don't get excited because I don't mean that in the ratchet, Khia way. I mean that in the ow, why me way. Girl, my back is KILLING me! I pushed through the pain, though. I was up before 7, got dressed, and my sister and I went for a walk.

I accomplished my daily steps goal before 9 AM!!!!!!! I'm so proud! My step goal is currently 2000 but it will increase as I become stronger. Walking is great way to build endurance.

Before the walk was over, we stopped to say hi to our new friends:

We took a brief break and then practised our Yoga for 30 minutes. Yoga was actually easier today,  I didn't feel like a brick.  I felt more like earth and water today. I know that sounds like mud but trust me, it's a great feeling. 

After Yoga, we did one rep of 15 squats and had our daily dose of jump. Tereca likes even numbers so she did 4. I did my daily 3. Lol-- Tereca, literally just asked me if I feel skinny when we do Yoga. I shook my head in agreement as I typed and then she said, "I be feelin' skinnty [yes skinnty] and my yoga pants make me feel skinnty too!" 

It's always fun to workout with a buddy but my sister is hilarious, so I laughed through the pain as I pushed through the pain. Even, now my body aches and I've been walking like a zombie for two days because my knees and thighs have an attitude but my sister is so encouraging. 

I guess the lesson today is that we will not only have to overcome lack of motivation and stress, we also will have to overcome the pain and soreness in our bodies. No pain, no gain. No sweat, regret. Always want a meal, bruh, chill. Squat down, or don't turn around. Lol I don't think I have anything else to say. Y'all can't disown me,  I will always be your sister. 

I love you. We're in this together so keep pushing. Stay committed. Don't forget to JUMP!!! Namaste.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

I'm Fat, Not Jolly.

Not sure where the jolly rumor started, but I am nobody's ho-ho-heifer. Just thought I'd make that clear before we get to know each other further. In general, I try to stay positive but real. It's ridiculous to think life won't stress you out from time to time. What matters most is how you handle the stress.  I won't lie to you, I hate the turn this country has taken. I'm not sure who let 'this guy' in because he didn't win the popular vote but you know what??? I'm not gonna let him make me fat-- ter... Fatter. Lol. I refuse to stress eat over America. First Lady Obama would not approve.

If you're like me and your country is stressing you, try yoga. Yes, fat people can yoga. I tried a 'yoga for beginners,' Youtube video.  Tereca (teresa) joined me today. It was reassuring to try something like this with her. I heard of a plus size yoga instructor who went viral, but I was still a little hesitant. My little sis was the support I needed. She was also really great!!!! My little princess is a natural.

Our Inspiration

After a 30 minute yoga session, we did a a ten minute Tiffany Rothe workout, which can also be found on Youtube. It was a fast paced, booty shaking routine that worked our entire body and was also extremely fun. I don't know about Tereca but I felt like Beyonce.

After a successful workout, we grabbed lunch and did some extremely light shopping. The best part of today was the realization that the Yoga calmed my mind, my prayers calmed my spirit, and my sister healed my heart.  Food never felt necessary. My friends and I joked that losing weight would be tough on our outings because all we did was eat and snack together but today, we ate a sensibly portioned lunch, and remained active. Shopping may be my new habit but with places like Family Dollar and Goodwill, that's not so bad.

The lesson today was I don't have to be happy, 24/7,  to get healthy.  I'm fat, not jolly, there's a difference. Be honest with yourself about what you're feeling so that what you do about those feelings are more obvious. If you lie about your negative emotions while eating a donut, you'll never be able to fix the problem.

If you must snack, choose wisely. As I type, I'm eating baby carrots. I took two servings and had a hand full of pretzels. #skinnysnacking.

Don't forget, you have a sister in me. I love you and we're in this together. Oh shoot-- I forgot to do my jumps today. Hold up--Ok, literally just did them with Tereca. Lol #dailydoseofjump

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Today wasn't the best day.  I was sad about the election, my legs hurt, my back hurt, my thighs don't work and it was freezing this morning.  I asked God for a little help and got out of bed. I moved slowly, but I moved. Finally, I started walking. It was 7:15 am. I was supposed to be walking an hour before that but things happen, right?

These are the horses I was telling you about.....

So, I'm walking, praying and trying not to cry when something tells me to turn around. I could see how far I had gone and I felt better.  Again, medicine is rarely palatable but it works. I decided to walk back and as I did, I stopped to do squats and have my daily dose of 'Jump.'  It took me less than thirty minutes, so when I got in, I ended my workout with crunches.

You know, I really wish I hadn't done that. Lol. I caught the worst spasm ever!!!! According to my research, it happens when you don't stretch properly.  So ladies, please add 5 minutes to your workout for stretching. It took a solid 5 minutes to get the excruciating pain to end. It literally knocked the wind out of my lungs!!!!!! Don't let this be you.

Yeah, today wasn't the best day, but I'm proud of myself because I got up, worked out and moved on. What do you guys do when you need motivation??? Tell me in the comment section. Talking to God usually does it for me.

I also want to talk a little bit about the "end game." I made a poll in our Facebook group, asking about why you all want to lose weight. Be sure that this journey is one that YOU want to be on. You can't do this for anyone but YOU. Jordan wasn't up for the walk today but I couldn't sit around and blame her for my inactivity. If I don't walk, it's MY fault. Community weight loss is nice, but at the end of the day, your results are based on YOUR WORK.

To be fair, Jordan is a teacher and has to work. We were going to get up at 5 am and that's super early. I would have to loved to walk and talk with Jordan, especially because I do my best thinking when she's around, but we all have to learn physical independence. Solitude is necessary sometimes, not just in fitness but in life. Grab some 'me time' for yourself and don't apologize for it. You need it to survive.

I suppose that's all I have for today. Remember to stretch and take your daily dose of 'Jump'.  If you haven't heard it yet today, know that I LOVE YOU!!!!! I'm your sister and we are in this together.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Fat Girls Can't Jump!

Yes, you read that right. Of course we can jump, but many of us don't. Seriously, when was the last time you jumped? I jumped today, but it wasn't pretty. My knees spoke, I was mad at my legs (instead of myself), and I think my ankle shed a tear. Whoo! I'm glad that's over, but I'm going to jump again tomorrow.

We can't stop doing what is good for us because it's difficult or painful. As I said yesterday, "...Medicine is rarely palatable." Every day, I will  have my dose of  'jump' because, currently, if I have to get over a picket fence due to being chased by a rabid dog, I'm going to be in trouble. Jumping is essential to survival!!! Take your jump vitamins, ladies. I would jump 3 times a day to start and increase your jumps as they become easier. Let me know how that works out.

Before I had my dose of jump today, I went for a short walk. This walk was shorter than yesterday because Jordan and I played basketball after our stroll.

The walk was also interrupted by the sight of horses (yes, horses) and my impromptu mini hike over some rocks. Lol I get adventurous around my sisters.

It was so much fun working out with Jordan, not just because I love her, but because we both have the same goal and we want to see each other succeed. Still, you don't have to workout with your bestie, you can create brand new friendships through creating a community of like minded souls.

Often, friends and family are a distraction. As soon we finished walking, mini hiking, playing basketball, and doing squats, what did we do? ....Bet you guessed it: We ate. Baby steps, right? We went to an 'all you can eat' sushi place. Now, I don't think sushi is so bad but we left feeling full and tired. Food that is truly good for you, and also portioned to serving size, will not make you want to take a nap in the starbucks parking lot.

Yep, we went to starbucks to grade papers, work on the blog and NEVER GOT OUT OF THE CAR. Smh. We reclined the seats and watched the traffic. Now, I know that sounds bad, but again, baby steps, and we won't be doing that again.... Well maybe we'll eat there on a special occasion because that sushi spot was good!!!!! The point is we will make mistakes and sometimes love makes it hard to say no to each other. We have to be strong enough to make the mistakes and keep going. You don't need to fall apart and start over again next month.

Tomorrow, I will wake up at 5 am and workout with Jordan. We will eat a sensible breakfast and continue on this journey to a healthier version of our fabulous selves.  We all can do this. I'm your sister and I'm working out with you! Don't quit! And at the end of your workout, do your #happydance!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Lose 200 Pounds!!!!

I. Am. Fat. No, there isn't an acronym for it. I am literally a person who has a large amount of excess flesh. By definition, I am fat. I'm cute though, so... Yeah, I got that going for me.

Now that we've gotten that established, the question can be asked: What am I going to do about it? Well-- I don't know exactly, but I'm going to start by walking. Actually, I started today.  I woke up at 6 am...ish. It felt like I was being punished for something but medicine is rarely palatable. 

I'm over 300 pounds, standing at 5'1 at age 28. I don't have any children and at this rate, I will never have children. So something has to change. I've tried it on my own to no avail, so this time, I'm bringing my friends along for the journey.  You will often read about my friends Jordan and Becky and my sister, Tereca (Teresa). 

Ten to Thin will be where I talk about my progress and set backs.  The goal is to lose 10 pounds a month. My hope is that I figure out what works and can share it with the world.  I'm not against weight loss surgery but if I can avoid it, I most definitely will. 

Crash diets and 'miracle tonics' are not healthy ways to lose weight but I may try some of the trends, just to see what actually works and to keep the journey interesting. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE DOING ANYTHING YOU READ HERE. Girl, I am NOT a doctor. I barely like to read, so be smart. Gather the facts for yourself and don't hesitate to tell me that I have lost my mind.

Moving on, this is day one of month one. Here's the only pic I took to commemorate this step. I look an absolute fiery mess, but crooked glasses and all, this is me. This isn't a beauty blog so whatever. 

Here's what I saw as I walked. 

Thanks for reading and feel free to discuss my journey with me. Better yet, why not join me? Let's do it, 10 pounds at time. #10tothin We can do this!!!!!!!! And if no one has told you today, I love you. You're not alone. I'm your sister. Have a great day!!!!