Tuesday, November 22, 2016

She Get it From Her Mama!!!!

La-la-la-la Look behind her!!! Lol Don't act like you don't know that song.

I realize that my blogs will sound the same if I tell you about my work out everyday so today we're going to discuss what I got from my mama: My butt. Yes, my butt.

See, this is what had happen', as I was walking today, I realized that my back doesn't just hurt because I'm fat. My back hurts because I'm top heavy and my butt is on my back.  It's not fair.  Most people get to work out with normal booties and I have to exercise with a built-in backpack. Quiet as it's kept, I'm built like a church mother. 😒 Can chiropractors lower your butt? Seriously. I may need to make an appointment.

I also thought about the excuses the 90's made for fat folks. Remember when your friend told you to tell people who called you fat that you were P.retty H.ot A.nd T.empting? You weren't fat, you were PHAT. Then, your mama would tell you that it was just baby fat but you were 12.... THEN, she and your well meaning friends would tell you that you were big-boned? It's time to accept yourself, baby.

You are none of those things. How can you expect people to take you as you are, if you can't be honest about it? Fat isn't an insult, it's a truth. I'm a Fattie and that's ok. I'm working out. If people look at me and assume that I'm lazy or don't care about my health, screw them! They don't know my life. Meet me where I am and take the journey with me, don't judge me for not being where you think I should be. If people aren't willing to do that for you, then they don't deserve to be in your life.

Listen, you are beautiful. I didn't say you aren't fat, I said you are beautiful.  Weight doesn't determine appeal because I said so. So what do you say?

Remember, I'm your sister and I love you. Don't forget that I am here with you.  I need you, like you need me. I'm not special, I'm just willing. I'm not big-boned, fluffy, or thick skinned, I'm fat. Now what? Your response to hecklers, name callers, and haters should be, "And?" "Who's gonna check me?" "Do I owe you my waist line?" They don't know us! Forget them!

Don't forget your daily dose of jump!!! I believe we can fly!!!!

Peace and Love ❤


  1. Haha... No, chiropractors can't lower your but. They can allign your hips. When you and me both loose weight I think the distinction between our back and butter will be visible... I have that same issue where my button creeps up my back...lol hahahah. Big booty/ fat issues.
