Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Fat Girls Can't Jump!

Yes, you read that right. Of course we can jump, but many of us don't. Seriously, when was the last time you jumped? I jumped today, but it wasn't pretty. My knees spoke, I was mad at my legs (instead of myself), and I think my ankle shed a tear. Whoo! I'm glad that's over, but I'm going to jump again tomorrow.

We can't stop doing what is good for us because it's difficult or painful. As I said yesterday, "...Medicine is rarely palatable." Every day, I will  have my dose of  'jump' because, currently, if I have to get over a picket fence due to being chased by a rabid dog, I'm going to be in trouble. Jumping is essential to survival!!! Take your jump vitamins, ladies. I would jump 3 times a day to start and increase your jumps as they become easier. Let me know how that works out.

Before I had my dose of jump today, I went for a short walk. This walk was shorter than yesterday because Jordan and I played basketball after our stroll.

The walk was also interrupted by the sight of horses (yes, horses) and my impromptu mini hike over some rocks. Lol I get adventurous around my sisters.

It was so much fun working out with Jordan, not just because I love her, but because we both have the same goal and we want to see each other succeed. Still, you don't have to workout with your bestie, you can create brand new friendships through creating a community of like minded souls.

Often, friends and family are a distraction. As soon we finished walking, mini hiking, playing basketball, and doing squats, what did we do? ....Bet you guessed it: We ate. Baby steps, right? We went to an 'all you can eat' sushi place. Now, I don't think sushi is so bad but we left feeling full and tired. Food that is truly good for you, and also portioned to serving size, will not make you want to take a nap in the starbucks parking lot.

Yep, we went to starbucks to grade papers, work on the blog and NEVER GOT OUT OF THE CAR. Smh. We reclined the seats and watched the traffic. Now, I know that sounds bad, but again, baby steps, and we won't be doing that again.... Well maybe we'll eat there on a special occasion because that sushi spot was good!!!!! The point is we will make mistakes and sometimes love makes it hard to say no to each other. We have to be strong enough to make the mistakes and keep going. You don't need to fall apart and start over again next month.

Tomorrow, I will wake up at 5 am and workout with Jordan. We will eat a sensible breakfast and continue on this journey to a healthier version of our fabulous selves.  We all can do this. I'm your sister and I'm working out with you! Don't quit! And at the end of your workout, do your #happydance!!!!!!!!